Diceware and DWD12

Diceware is a method for random password generation, created by Arnold Reinhold and published in 1995. Using it, you draw a few words (usually between 4 and 8 words) from a large list (with 7,776 words) using common six-sided dices and this is your new password. The Diceware D12 (or DW12) proposal is a variantion of traditional Diceware, with some striking differences.


Use of 12-sided dices
Use of many word lists, called volumes
Each volume has 12 pages with 12 sections with 12 words, totaling 1,728 words.
Each volume can be thematic (with some topic)
You can use a standard set of volumes or create your own custom set of volumes by grouping the desired volumes
You can create a secret volume to use with public volumes to increase security
You can use a special volume, with unusual words, intermediate between public and secret
This project provides shellscript commands to automate this password generation

Usage with Dices

Choose your set of volumes (12 volumes is the recommended amount)
Set the number of words (5 or 6 usually result in good entropy)
For each word, roll a dice to select the volume
In the drawn volume, roll 3 dices: the first selects the page, the second the session and the third the word.

Usage with a Linux Terminal

Download DWD12: git clone https://codeberg.org/bardo/dwd12
Enter the directory: cd dwd12
Run: ./dwd12.sh
You can run it with some arguments. See all available: ./dwd12.sh --help

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